As I revised for the MB2-715 exam (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Online Deployment) I am creating blog posts detailing all aspects of my revision. I hope these posts will aid anyone who is also revising for this exam. In this posts I will look at email notifications.

You can see below that in the skills measured statement we need to understand how to manage administrative email notifications. Thankfully this is a simple process.

Administrative email notifications can be generated from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 online service, these can include;

By default, admin email notifications are sent to the office 365 global administrators. Notice how in Office 365, in user admin, when we give someone a global administrator role and alternative email address is required. This is because email notifications about service outages may need to be delivered to an address outside of the Office 365 environment.

It is also possible to add additional recipients for email notifications on an instance by instance basis. You do this in the Dynamics 365 Administration center accessed via Office 365 admin.

Once in the notifications area you can list the email addresses for everyone who should receive notifications regarding this instance.

Tip: Notice that the emails are separated by a semicolon;

Having the notification emails by instance might be really useful. For example, your test manager might need email notifications about the sandbox instances but isn’t interested in production. Whilst your IT helpdesk manager might require emails about production but isn’t interested in the sandboxes. Additionally, you could include email addresses in these notifications for one or more partners that support your organization.

Email notifications are a pretty simple topic but one you will need to be aware of for your MB2-715 exam.

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