I have recently moved from using the original Omnichannel Administration app to the newer Omnichannel Admin Centre. If like me you want to use the newer admin experience you will need to migrate your current workstreams. In this post I will explain the process I followed.

As I have configured numerous channels I actually have quite a few workstreams, all of which needed to be migrated to the new admin experience. Lucky me Microsoft provide a tool to help migrate your workstreams to the new unified routing approach. You can find details about this here.

Once I’d download the migration tool I could begin!

Having extracted the tool I simply ran the “URMigrationConsolApp.exe” application. (As shown below.)

Nobody will describe this application as modern looking! In fact it reminded me of something I might have used on a Wyse terminal in the 1980s. (Gosh I am old!!)

Anyway, on running the application I needed to enter the URL of my Dynamics 365 instance and enter my user name. After a short pause I got some lovely green screen style text message telling me I’d connected successfully.

Cool … we have an old school menu! With 4 “real” options and one to exit the application. With a feeling of nostalgia I continued to experiment with each option!

Option One

Option “1” gave me a list of all the workstreams I needed to convert.

Option Two

And option “2” gave me a list of the new style workstreams. Below you can see that I have already migrated one workstream called “BOT Chat”. (The demo live chat workstream came out of the box with the new admin centre!)

Option Three

Option “3”performs a dry run. The description of this option seemed to suggest that it was going to simulate a migration of just one specified workstream. But it actually did a simulation for all workstreams. My simulation didn’t report any errors. Meaning (honestly) this option didn’t give me any real useful information. But still you might want to run it before doing an actual migration. As you may get a different result to me!

Option Four

So option “4” is the one we use to actually migrate the workstreams. You do this one by one. Having selected the option I needed to enter the ID of the workstream.

Tip: I copied and pasted this from the list I got in option 1.

Importantly notice that you are told that after the migration you should only maintain the workstream in the “Omnichannel Admin Center” App. I call the out as you will still see the workstream in the old app. But you should no longer maintain it using the old interface!

I continued repeating this process until all my workstreams had been migrated! As you can see below I was supposed to have no old workstreams remaining!


After the process I tested my various workstreams. So far they have all continued to work as I’d expected. Which is “really nice”!

Afterwards I also double checked that everything had migrated. It hadn’t! I found three workstreams that remained in the old Omnichannel Administration app but didn’t exist in the new Omnichannel admin center.

These three were all connected with my entity channels. These had been created to route cases and leads to omnichannel agents. None of these were available in the migration tool. I guess that means I will need to recreate those at some point. (Although for now they do still work.)

Note: It looks like my entity routing has continued to work after migrating to the newer Omnichannel Admin Center. But as this means I’ll need to maintain my entity channels in the old app and everything else in the new app I will probably want to manually recreate these very soon!

Apart from my entity routing workstreams (which you might not have) …. I am now ready to start using the newer Omnichannel Admin Center. I guess I’m going to need to use the new “Record routing” option to manually re-create my entity workstreams at some point.

In summary the conversion of my workstreams was pretty straight forward. (Except my entity workstreams!) And I am now ready to start to explore what additional features are available in the newer “Omnichannel Admin Center”. Enjoy!

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