I was recently asked how we can control the filters available to agents when using the knowledge articles. I needed to research this feature; in this post I explain the filtering options.

We can search the knowledge base from several points in Dynamics 365. You might, for example, be using the customer service hub and search for solutions directly from the case form. Or you maybe using the customer service workspace, when we can filter articles from the productivity pane.

Below you can see an example of using the productivity panel in the customer service workspace. Notice that I can use the filter option to look for articles based on their visibility, status and more.

Before I dive into knowledge article filtering, it might be worth mentioning Copilot! As we do have an alternative approach … of using Copilot to intelligently search articles. In the example shown below I copied the copilot generated case summary into the “ask a question” box. It gave a useful and informative answer.

Whilst I like using Copilot to search the knowledge base …. I do think “old fashioned” filtering still has it’s place. As that may allow the agents to focus on content in a more targeted manner.

But when agents search the filtering options will have certain defaults. For example, out of the box I believe the filtering shows external articles that are published. What if you wanted to see internal articles only and maybe include those that are published and expired. That is certainly possible, if the agent clicks the filter icon and manually changes the filtering options.

However, if I wanted to always see just internal articles … wouldn’t it be better to change the filtering options.

Change Filter Defaults (For everyone)
Luckily we can change the filtering options!

In the customer service admin center, open the knowledge option. Then select filters.

The first option I’d like to flag is the ability for agents to personalize whatever filtering the admin created. This might be useful to allow agents to tailor results specific to their needs. Imagine you have articles in multiple languages, it might be useful to allow agents to obtain results for all the languages they speak.

Enable the “Allow agent personalize” option if you’d like agents to be able to set their own filters. (Details later in this document explain what they’d need to do.)

Filter Defaults (preselects)
To change how a filter behaves (for example to include external and internal articles by default) Click “…” on the field.

The “preselects” option will allow you to decide which options are selected by default. Below you can see that I have preselected external and internal articles.

The deactivate option removes the filter. Meaning the agents wouldn’t see the filter and couldn’t alter.

Tip: If you deactivate a filter it can be activated again later.

One example of why you might want to deactivate a filter is language. Imagine all your articles are in English! So why not hide the language option?


The visibility option allows you to decide which options an agent can filter by. For example, with the “Status” field you might allow them to search approved, published and scheduled articles. But now ones that have been discarded.

First click visibility then tick the options available to agents.

In the example below, agents would see “published” articles by default as it is preselected. But they could add filters to look for approved, expired and scheduled articles.

But they can’t look for archived, discarded and draft articles.

Adding Filters
I have already mentioned that we can can deactive filters. It is also possible to add filter fields. (As shown below.)
I might use this option (for example) to allow agents to filter using article expiry date or maybe to only find the latest versions.

Tip: I did a quick test! As a developer / admin …. I was able to add a custom field to the knowledge articles table. And once done I could add the ability to filter using custom fields!

Agent Personalization
As mentioned, agents can change their own filters. (If an admin has enabled the option.)
Agents can access the filtering options in the customer service hub app or customer service workspace. Look for the “Knowledge personalization” option in the navigation!

Hopefully this blog posy has managed to explain the features we have available to be able to filter which knowledge articles are returned. Enjoy!

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