Here is a quick post that will hopefully prove useful …..

What if in Unified Service Desk (USD) you’d like to move a panel from say the RightPanel to the MainPanel? (Or Visa Versa.)

In my application I have a tab called “My Work”, in which I list the case, phone calls (etc) the operator should be working on. By default I display this in the MainPanel. But I wanted to give the operatort6he ability temporarily move this tab to the RightPanel.

Moving it was easy!

Step One – Create two actions.

Create two actions, one to move to the right and one to move to the main panel. Notice that the hosted control is “My Work” (the tab I want to move). And the Action is MoveToPanel. Then in the data portion either enter “RightPanel” or “LeftPanel”.

My move to mainpanel looked like this.

Step Two – Create a navigation tool bar.

Next I created a navigation tool bar with two buttons. One to move to the left (MainPanel) and one to move to the right (RightPanel)

My toolbar looked like this ….

NOTE: Don’t forget having saved your tollbar, find the hosted control option in the toolbar navigation. And add the toolbar to a hosted control. In this example to “My Work”.

You will notice I then added two buttons, one called left and one called right.

Step Three – Create toolbar buttons.

My left button looked like the one below. You can see that I have used an image for my button. (Tip : I found this in the CRM2015 SDK under resources/images!)

Notice that I have added two actions. One is used to close the right panel and the other is the one I’ve just described to move the panel. (The action to close the right panel is an optional step!)

Tip: If you want to close the right panel, like I have, see my previous post on closing panels.

For completeness, here is my right button. Obviously very similar to my left button.

When I tested my application, the “My Work” tab now looked like this and I could use the “<” and “>” icons to move the tab around.


5 responses to “USD – Move panels”

  1. Great 🙂 It will solve lot of challenges which we often face:)


  2. Great 🙂 It will solve lot of challenges which we often faced:)


  3. I’m try to add toolbar button in “CCA Hosted Application” type hosted control. I am not able to get the toolbar inside the hosted control. Is it Possible to add the buttons inside the CCA Hosted Application


    1. Do you mean add a navigation toolbar (shows at top of each tab)? If so, create a toolbar then in the navigation on that toolbar open the hosted controls option. Add whatever hosted control you need a toolbar on into that list.


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