I created a series of posts as I revised for the MB2-714 certification. Microsoft Dynamics CRM2016 Service. Here is a collection of links to all of these posts. I hope these might help anyone preparing for the MB2-714 exam.

Revision Notes (Introduction)

Customer Service Concepts

Manage cases and the knowledge base

Revision Notes

Manage queues, entitlements and service level agreements (SLAs)

Revision Notes

Manage service scheduling, interactive service hub and the unified help desk

Revision Notes

Work with FieldOne and surveys and perform service management analysis

Revision Notes

22 responses to “MB2-714 Certification (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Customer Service) – Revision Guide”

  1. Thank you, keep up the good work!


  2. I want to thank you for the great job. I succeeded yesterday with the MB2-714 certification. I just concentrated on your posts and it made the job 🙂

    Thank you


    1. Thanks, well done.

      I am currently sat in a bar in Redmond Seattle! (As “my” first MVP Summit starts tomorrow) Getting a positive comment like this has given me a real buzz. Thanks.


  3. Hey Neil – Cleared MB2-714 and this time only referred to your revision guide. Thanks a lot for such a wonderful revision guide.


    1. Well done, none of the exams are easy. So great effort. Thanks for letting me know. I love it when I get feedback like this. Many Thanks.


  4. Passed the 718 today (just) and scored an MCSE in the process. Thanks for the resources, helped loads in prep.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am in delima and need guidance.

    I am in process of working for a client for which is looking to implement Microsoft dynamics CRM solution for its call center.
    Now I need to be a step ahead and really wanted to learn MS dynamics and do at least 1 MS CRM certification which will related to my work and help me excel.

    Please guide me which certification should I do both as a developer / consultant for this engagement. Please note that CRM implementation is for a contact center / call center. so shall I do MB 712, MB 716 or something else?? please guide as I need to know both from architectural as well as developer point.


    1. Hi Nandesh

      From you comments I suggest two exams might be the best to consider;

      1. MB2-718 – This is the service exam. It covers functional areas very key to contact centers / service companies. Such as case management and Unified Service Desk.
      2. MB2-716 – This is the customization and configuration exam and will help you learn about how to customize dynamics 365. Something else that sounds important to you.

      Additionally if you fancied a third exam! MB2-715 is about online deployment and would cover deploying CRM and integration with other products. (Such as email setup or links to SharePoint etc.)

      I know this sounds a lot. And it is. (Sorry!) I guess you need to consider if you want to focus on functionality, dev skills or deployment first. Although from your comments I suspect you’ll want to learn all of this overtime.

      Good luck. (You will hopefully find posts to help you revise for all of these exams on my blog.)



  6. Neil, super fast response….wow…..do you ever sleep ( just kidding) but thanks for the guidance and i will start to look at your certification and study note right from those respective links……all those links on your respective certification sub headings is all i need to read / learn? to get them cleared? Also any idea on the pricing on these two exams? I am from India btw so just wondering to know

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You will need to check your local cost for the exams. The in USD they are $165 each. I suggest not booking the exam until you feel ready!

      My blog should contain most of the information you need but I encourage you to google around for more information. If you have access to DLP (Microsoft’s learning portal) also use that.




  7. ok sure wil do so…one last thing…which one should i focus on first? I am working as architect as of now…so I should first focus on 718? and then 716?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In my opinion asking the exam order is a little bit like deciding which end of a baguette to eat first. Both ends lead to the same result.

      When I do the exams I pick the one I think will be the hardest to do first. (But maybe I am crazy!) Most people would opt for which they sense will be easiest for them first.

      Mb2-716 is a big exam and covers loads of stuff. Developers might go for it first but for a functional consultant the scope of the exam is big. (But big and hard are different things.)

      In my opinion mb2-718 is quite a hard exam. As many concepts in Field Service, usd and voice of the customer can be new concepts to many people.

      Sorry if this is confusing or doesn’t answer your question directly. The short answer is there isn’t a correct answer.

      Neither is wrong.

      I would say pick one and commit to the effort needed to pass. Was it Yoda who said something like there is no try, do or do not!

      Hope this helps and doesn’t confuse you more!



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