Virtual Agents for customer service are currently a Dynamics 365 preview feature, you can use them to quickly build BOTs using a no code approach.

These BOTs can “obviously” then be consumed from your external facing website. But I had an idea to use my BOT internally to help contact center agents deal with customer queries in a smarter manner.

This meant I wanted to integrated a Virtual Agent with Unified Service Desk. In this post / video I will show how I achieved this.

Often when customers phone a contact center the steps the agent should take are obvious. But this is not always true! Often the agent will have a multitude of next actions they could take, so anything that helps them select the “best next action” is potentially really helpful.

I wanted to use the new virtual agents to act as a smart assistant offering solutions / next best actions to my agents. I created this demo as a proof of concept (POC). Meaning the logic within my BOT is pretty simple. But I hope you can see that this POC could be extended to cover really complex scenarios.

In the following video you’ll see my virtual agent in action. I will then describe how I created my BOT with no code and how I integrated it with Unified Service Desk …..

2 responses to “USD and Virtual Agents”

  1. This was really useful and very innovative to perform activities like DPA. Are these features available for On Premise as well ?


    1. Hi

      Unified service desk works on premise.

      The virtual agent would need to be online. But you could have an on premise version of USD use an online virtual agent.

      Not quite the same but in my demo my USD was running online in UK. Whilst the virtual agent was running in a trial hosted in North America. (As being a trial feature it wasn’t available in the UK yet.)



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